
Example Skill to show use of the converse method



A simple example Skill that shows how the converse() method can be used to take action on utterances before they reach the normal intent handling process.

This Skill catches any utterance that contains a word defined in vocab/lang-code/RudeWords.voc and responds. Or if no rude word is detected, allows Mycroft to respond normally.

For more details see the technical documentation on converse.



You are stupid. Will you shut up.

This skill dosnt have any license attatched. It is not adviasable to use this skill nor fork or clone, as you don't know if you are legaly allowed to do so by the auhtor.


Github: https://github.com/krisgesling/polite-skill Owner: @krisgesling Created: 2019 Sep 27 05:37:59 UTC Last updated: 2019 Oct 02 07:51:45 UTC License: No License

Categories: [ Example ]

Last updated