
A not so simple calculator skill for Mycroft AI as an alternative to wolfram alpha



With this skill you can do a lot of arithmetic operations. you can also use formulas like ohm's law. the skill supports the factors of units, formulas brackets, net and gross as well as sales price and calculations of any length "theoretically".in the new set version, the skill can also calculate the units back to their original form.

possible factors are: giga, mega, kilo, centi, deci, milli, micro and nano.



What is 12 and 2.4 and 6.2 and 12.5? Addiere 4 and 5 from that gross. Divide 600 by 2 from that net. Divide Bracket on 9 and 3 Bracket off and 2. What is 9 times 72 from that sale? Multiply 2 with 3. What is 5 minus 4? Subtract 7 with 6. What is ohm from 40 ampere and 60 volt? What is tension from 40 milliampere and 60 millivolt? What is the breaking point at 130 kmh? .......


This skill is not aproved by Mycroft skill tester.

mycroft-msm install


Github: Owner: @gras64 Created: 2019 Jul 23 12:24:58 UTC Last updated: 2020 Jul 06 00:03:05 UTC License: Apache License 2.0

Categories: [ Productivity ] Tags: #'calculation

Last updated