Sunrise Sunset
Returns sunset or sunrise times for the given coordinates
Last updated
Returns sunset or sunrise times for the given coordinates
Last updated
This skill does not query an external API.
All times and events are being calculated locally.
When does the sun set? When does the sun rise? Sunset today. Sunrise today. Sunset. Sunrise. When does the sun appear? What time does the sun set today? What time does the sun set in a week? What time does the sun rise today? What time does the sun rise in a week? Sunset time. Sunrise time. When does the sun disappear in the evening? When does the sun appear in the morning? ...
This skill is not aproved by Mycroft skill tester.
mycroft-msm install
Github: Owner: @tobus3000 Created: 2020 Feb 22 16:39:22 UTC Last updated: 2020 Mar 10 20:32:38 UTC License: GNU General Public License v3.0
Categories: [ Information ] Tags: #Sunrise #Sunset