Hospital Triage

Help ER patients by understanding why they're there



This skill was born to help er patients on their arrival at the hospital. It asks the patient basic questions about his health.

How it works

The skill is activated by saying the wake word (which, by default is hey mycroft but will be changed) and asking help:

Hey Mycroft, puoi aiutarmi?

Then, the interaction begins: the bot asks if it's talking directly with the patient. This helps us understands if he/she's conscious. Then, it asks about the main symptom. Right now, it recognises:

  • Faints

  • Hemorrhages

  • Shocks

  • Breathing difficulties

  • Fractures (extracting the affected limb)

  • Fevers

  • Burns

  • Abdominal pains

If the declared symptom is compatible with the COVID19, the bot asks some questions to determine the covid_score, an index determining how likely the patient is affected by COVID19.

It then assigns the patient a color code, according to the CESIRA index, and asks him/her to quantify the pain. Finally, it asks the patient his/her age and creates a med_record object containing all the gathered informations. This med_record can then be exported to assist the doctor during the checks.



This skill is not aproved by Mycroft skill tester.

mycroft-msm install


Github: Owner: @montali Created: 2020 Apr 08 09:55:26 UTC Last updated: 2020 Jun 24 10:18:34 UTC License: GNU General Public License v3.0

Categories: [ Information ] Tags: #Hospital #Triage #Health #Er

Last updated