


This skill is designed to be a helper when dealing with recipes. It will convert between both imperial and metric values. It will also give you the weight of butter based on cups, tablespoons and teaspoons.

NOTE This skill does not deal with kilograms at the current time as this is not a common measurement unit in home cooking.



How much does {OldUnit} of butter weigh in {NewUnit} Convert {OldUnit} to {NewUnit} What is {OldUnit} in {NewUnit}? ML to Litres. ML to Cups. ML to Pints. ML to Fluid Ounces. Cups to mL. Cups to Litres. Litres to Cups. Litres to Pints. Litres to Fluid Ounces. Pints to mL. Pints to Litres. Fluid Ounces to mL. Fluid Ounces to Litres. Ounces to Grams. Ounces to Pounds. Pounds to Grams. Pounds to Ounces. Grams to Ounces. Grams to Pounds. Celsius to Fahrenheit. Fahrenheit to Celsius.


This skill is not aproved by Mycroft skill tester.

mycroft-msm install


Github: Owner: @stratus-ss Created: 2020 May 06 23:15:21 UTC Last updated: 2020 May 12 11:42:30 UTC License: GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0

Categories: [ uncategorized ]

Last updated