Mycroft Routine Skill
Last updated
Last updated
Create named rountines, which are lists of Mycroft commands, that can be run by name, and scheduled to run at particular times.
User:* :* User:* :* User:* :* User:* :* User:* :* User:* :* User:* :* User:* :* User:* :* User:* :* Run routine morning. List routines. Describe routine morning. Disable morning routine. Enable morning routine. Delete morning routine. Do not put the name of the routine into one of the commands*. For example, if you create a routine called 'morning,' do not have 'say good morning' as one of the commands. Mycroft may pickup on the name of the routine, and try to run it over again, ultimately creating an infinite loop where the routine continually triggers itself.
This skill is not aproved by Mycroft skill tester.
mycroft-msm install
Github: Owner: @ChristopherRogers1991 Created: 2018 Jun 14 04:01:54 UTC Last updated: 2020 Sep 03 00:03:02 UTC License: GNU General Public License v3.0
Categories: [ uncategorized ]