Rpi Info

Rpi-info gives disk , ram , temperature information about your raspberry pi



Skill that you can use with MyCroft!! It only works on raspberry pi. Tested on Rpi 4 model B+.



Raspberry free ram. Raspberry pi free ram. (What is the |) free ram of (my|) (raspberry|) pi. Raspberry used ram. Raspberry pi used ram. (What is the|) ram usage of (my|) (raspberry|) pi. Raspberry disk. (What us the|) disk usage of (my|) (raspberry|) pi. Raspberry temperature. Raspberry pi temperature. (what is the|) temperature of (my|) (raspberry|) pi.

This skill dosnt have any license attatched. It is not adviasable to use this skill nor fork or clone, as you don't know if you are legaly allowed to do so by the auhtor.


Github: https://github.com/jimkou/rpi-info-skill Owner: @jimkou Created: 2020 May 04 13:04:02 UTC Last updated: 2020 May 06 21:22:14 UTC License: No License

Categories: [ Information ] [ Iot ] Tags: #Raspberry #Raspberry #pi #Information #System #Info

Last updated