Voice Playemjs
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There are some music providers that require a ui to work, making them hard to control from audio-only controllers such as mycroft, unless you connect to a third party proxy. this skill tries to solve this.
in order to do that, we leverage playemjs, a js player for online sources such as youtube, vimeo, deezer, and using a headless browser (firefox) and xvfb (if available), we launch an instance of the player and are able to control it using voice commands.
this is a proof of concept and we hope that it can help others to achieve similar stuff.
Play queen on deezer. Play inxs on youtube. Play next. Play previous. Stop. Pause. Resume. Set volume to 50.
This skill dosnt have any license attatched. It is not adviasable to use this skill nor fork or clone, as you don't know if you are legaly allowed to do so by the auhtor.
Github: https://github.com/gfhuertac/voice-playemjs-skill Owner: @gfhuertac Created: 2019 Jan 31 09:18:26 UTC Last updated: 2019 Jan 31 09:18:32 UTC License: No License
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